In case you haven't noticed, the Bushie-Kerry (Rep-Dem oligharchy) types have stopped pushing major scientific projects (per population %) other than military and big-govt projects in the past few years (I'm still pissed about the SSC falling through). As well, the same bureaucrats have been making it harder for people who have real-world experience in a subject area to become certified teachers. [BTW Quick note: If you have extra time in the stilly watches of the night, and you want to see what I have said taken to a horrible extreme, try Alex Jones - prisonplanet.com - I think he's a nut, but his observational basis is similar to mine.] Anyway...
My response, as some of you know, was to take up a business field -- apparently without honing such skills, I'll never get anywhere in my career unless I move to Europe or Canada. The business field I chose was that of Real Estate.
As of three weeks ago, today, I have been a Certified Real Estate Sales Professional in the great State of Texas. I am also a member of the Austin Board of Realtors. I have two front-end appointments on Monday,,, and I am going to sell some freakin' houses! If you know anyone in the Austin area who might be looking for a home, please forward their info (or go to www.sname.com).
Nicola Tesla's biggest mistake (besides irratic/absent notes) was using/relying on JP Morgan's money -- he got screwed repeatedly for that -- being the inventor of radio, radio control, etc --- Marconi wasn't forced to release the false patent until the year of Tesla's death (1941). Even Einstein was someone else's scientific patsy most of his life because he only was able to make money by being paid by people getting infinitely wealthy off of his scholarly work. I will not make the same mistake. My research tells me that I must take the stab... and fund myself.
Call me crazy, irresponsible,,, that's fine... I want to be the big guy on all of my projects,, or no one will be. :) I will not make the same mistakes as Tesla and Einstein.
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