Thursday, April 08, 2004

Today's Attitude:

[Stressed Beyond Belief]

Begging for Work at ITT Technical Institute
    - "You too can make your life more stressful at ITT."

*It seems as if I'm on a weird-s#!t-a-thon lately:
  • Bob Dylan CD free with Victoria secret purchase until Saturday, 4/10

  • Weird Al Yankovic just came out with a new music-video CD with 'Best Videos' from his entire career at ugh... I must resist,, ugh,, musssst resisssssst...

  • GoofTroopAg's company resended their offer for a move to Austin. In despiration we will again target DFW for the fall, instead of Austin!

  • I successfully begged and pleaded to ITT for 7 classes over the (next) summer quarter after telling them I was leaving a couple of weeks ago.

  • GoofTroopAg and I have a favorite show which is, what we call, "Nerd Baywatch" (loose clothing, lots of running, etc) - AKA 'True Calling'... Yet another Fox-funded black-hole we've fallen into.

  • I went to an ultrasound doctor to get my private parts scanned for tumors.

  • GTA's mom's cat, Danny, passed away - an important family member has been lost.

  • I realized that I've been using out-of-town checks for a year or so - not paying attention to the address, but no one has cared.

  • It's 9:15PM and I still have to make a test, grade homework and write a CGI script for my HTML class.... AAAAhhhh!

  • My wife accused me of wanting to "blow up the arc", like Tweek (from South Park [in place of Indiana Jones, of course]). *Okok, so this last one IS an exaggeration, but the others are true.

So my question is... Why me?!?,, and I know well that the answer is not 42!


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