Today's Attitude: [Peaceful, de-stressed]
All Is Quiet on the Western Front
Have you ever had one of those days that was a dead-zone for stress. Today is , in fact, one of those for me. Today is my one day off for the week - yes, I have to work Saturday :( - with a reduction in stress, prospects for a second job and a relaxing morning to sit back, watch Star Trek and play some Sid Meier!
But today is only a small island. Tomorrow, I have to teach three classes: two 4-hour classes (College Math I) and a 3-hour one (HTML and Web Developer) ... I have to grade papers tonight for those classes... I will have to put up with whiney students tomorrow who haven't done homework for the whole quarter AND skipped class so I couldn't tell them that they were failing because they have never turned in any homework (such is life at ITT). You try to call,, but must leave a message.
I still have to make sure that I can put into place the massive number of corrections to next week's corporate final exams and keys because the silly people in Indiana (and those out-sourced from India ~60%) who create ITT's Physics curriculum don't know cr@p from crayola.
Ahhh! 9 hours of relaxation, but then back to the grind.
GTA has nearly forbidden me to work another 8-class load next quarter because it's left me working around the clock. From what I can tell, they will only want me for 7 classes next quarter -- better :) .
*And, yes, by some crazy, purely statistical compilation, I have won "Instructor of the Quarter" yet again for the Spring term, no money for that, though :( . I just have sooo many students that it's a statistical certainty that the 50% of every surviving class would have voted for me.
Well, good luck all,, I hope I can radiate as much anti-stress that I can, until I too, fall back into my world of a horrible, inhuman work-load later this evening.