Racially DiscriminatedWell, it had been been a long time since I was openly racially discriminated/slurred. Back at Texas A&M, it happened a couple of times and got me all heated into saying things I didn't mean, but this time, I handled myself more quietly.
I was running down the street from the Dell Jewish Community center and some rednecks stuck their whole bodies out of the window and started screaming at me. At first I just thought they were screaming at someone else, but I was wrong. I didn't hear the beginning, but the last part was "$#$%#% Jew,, you run like you've got Down's Syndrome." Granted, I'm getting over a nasty illness and was taking it easy yesterday. I should have stuck up my middle finger and brought on the fight, but I held my emotions and pretended I didn't hear them.
This issue is really starting to piss me off. At A&M, I was discriminated against by a student and a few internet authors for "NOT being" Jewish, and I am discriminated here for "being" Jewish. As most of you know, I have no documented Jewish background, but have often been told by students that I remind them of particular Jewish actors. As far as I know, I am definitely less than 1/64 th,, probably even less than 1/256 th Jewish. However, from how my family traveled around and inter-married approaching the 1700's, I bet there was an inquisitional conversion somewhere.
I'm used to getting the "white boy" routine from my Mex-type associates and clients -- but this was the first "hate message" in a while, and it sucks. It just reminds me how nice it is to have a beaurocracy of law,,, so that it all doesn't fall apart in a chaos of hate-scape-goating (See 'The Monsters are due on Maple Street' - Twilight Zone). How big of a moron do you have to be?
Anyway, the moral of my story, I hate people that hate! and it is my job to make their lives miserable if I ever catch their sorry asses again.