Many kisses and MP3's :)
Ok, so I haven't posted in a while. Here's what's up.
1. I will be attending UTD in the fall. I will restart my PhD journey.
2. My big birthday #33 on 6/6/6 is coming up. I have been dreading this day since I was a child! Oh well, GTA and I will have to go see the remake of "The Omen" which happens to come out on my birthday.
3.DELL is pretty cool. The adaptation from real estate to computer sales has been (surprizingly) not easy. Usually I've been legally bound to the people I'm talking to and helping. However, now, my ultimate allegiance must be to the company, while still making the consumers happy. I've been forced to attempt numerous fine-tunes of my sales technique that I had been putting off as a realtor. My RE licence just expired, so I need to take 2 classes and pay a fee to reactivate.
4. DELL has a 7-minute-long X-men promo on their web-site. Check it out:
5. Other than that, I'm glad to see that a great many others see the Neo-cons (aka, Bush/Limbaugh-type crowd) for the Soviet-style freaks that they are, and that religion to them, is just the ultimate Red Herring. I just hope that people don't start to think that the traditional Democratic party pushers are much better. If we could get a centrist who understands the use of freedom, th necessity of taxes (in moderation), cooperation, anti-corruption, and responsibility (it'll never happen of course, but I can dream, can't I), things will be allowed to get better. Ok, that's my only rant.
6. The logistics of this fall are making me dizzy. Back to planning.