Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I am posting my New year's resolutions of 2006, so that I may view them from anywhere, and be reminded more easily.


1. Lose 20 pounds - If I can reach 165, I will be back to where I was 10 years ago.

2. Get over all life-threatening illnesses.

3. Be happier - less of an angry person. Try to find more ways of helping people.

4. Return to Graduate School - UT preferrably, but I wouldn't be too unhappy with the others.

5. Get my foot in the door at ACC.

6. Mass-search for school-related grant programs.

7. Create business models for online implementation.

8. Start posting solutions to the Brainmass - at least one in the library every week.

9. Review all problems with current Fusion tech and attempt at least one solution to the anomolous migration problem.

10. Finish a short paper on Galilean capture statistics, Shapiro time delays, the solution to Olber's Paradox, and try to derive multi-body orbittal stabilities in the macroscopic regime (better than the Bodes' Law match I already have) - "Tell no-one".

11. Brush up on Java, C++, VB, Perl and Fortran.

12. Learn Spanish